Clinical Senior Lecturer, Surgery [January 2014 - Present]
Sydney Medical School
University of Sydney
Orthopaedic Surgeon [June 2013 - Present]
Norwest Private Hospital
11 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista, NSW, 2153
Orthopaedic Surgeon [May 2013 - Present]
Nepean Private Hospital
1-9 Barber Avenue, Kingswood, NSW, 2747
Orthopaedic Surgeon [January 2013 - Present]
Visiting Medical Officer
Nepean Hospital
Derby Street, Kingswood, NSW, 2747
Orthopaedic Surgeon [January 2006 - December 2010]
MetroWest Medical Center
Framingham Union Hospital, Leonard Morse Hospital
115 Lincoln Street,Framingham, MA, 01702
Orthopaedic Surgeon [August 2005 - November 2005]
Rural Locum surgeon for the Alberta Medical Association
12230 106 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB, T5N 3Z1
Orthopaedic Surgeon [April 2004 - October 2004]
Humber River Regional Hospital, Finch Avenue Site
2111 Finch Avenue W, Toronto, ON, M3N 1N1
Orthopaedic Surgeon [February 2003 - January 2004]
Visiting Medical Officer
Dubbo Base Hospital,Myall Street
P.O. Box 739, Dubbo, NSW, 2830
Orthopaedic Surgeon [August 2002 - January 2003]
Rockyview General Hospital
7007 – 14th Street SW, Calgary, AB, T2V 1P9
Shoulder Fellowship [January 2013 - December 2013]
Sydney Shoulder Research Institute
St. Leonards, NSW, Australia
Supervised International Medical Graduate, Fellow [January 2012 - January 2013]
General Orthopaedic Surgery including shoulder, hip and knee arthroplasty and sports medicine
Whitlam Joint Centre
Fairfield Hospital
Fairfield, NSWAustralia
Supervised International Medical Graduate, Senior Registrar/Fellow [January 2011 - January 2012]
General Orthopaedic Surgery with a focus on trauma and shoulder surgery
University of Sydney
Nepean Hospital
Kingswood, NSW, Australia
Post Graduate Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow [January 2004 - June 2005]
Hip and Knee Arthroplasty and Reconstruction
University of Toronto
Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Avenue
Toronto, ON, Canada
Post Graduate Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow [January 2003 - January 2004]
Trauma and General Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Sydney
Royal North Shore Hospital
St. Leonards, NSW, Australia
Orthopaedic Surgery Resident [July 1997 - June 2002]
University of Calgary
Foothills Hospital, Peter Lougheed Centre
Rockyview General Hospital, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Calgary, AB, Canada
Doctor of Medicine [1993 - 1997]
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada
Bachelor of Sciences [1990 - 1993]
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Queen’s University
Kingston, ON, Canada
Award of Merit for Residents in Surgery [2001]
University of Calgary
Department of Surgery Research Committee
Ruth Rannie Award for Best Clinical Research Paper [2001]
19th Annual Surgeons’ Day, Calgary, Alberta
Best Clinical Research Paper – Second Prize [2001]
28th Annual Alberta Orthopaedic Resident Research Day
Summer Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship [1995]
Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
Major James H. Rattray Memorial Scholarship in Science [1991]
Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen’s University
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship [1990]
Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in the specialty of Orthopaedic Surgery
Admitted 6th March, 2013
Maintenance of Professional Standards Program
Full participant since 2011, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Orthopaedic Fellowship Examination of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Passed 20thMay, 2012
Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
Elected 13th March, 2010
Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inc.
Certification by Examination. 14th July, 2008
Fellow in the Division of Surgery, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Registered 10th January, 2003
Orthopaedic Surgery Specialist Certification by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Certification by Examination. 30th July, 2002
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada
11th December, 1998
Doctor of Medicine, Canada
20th June, 1997
Australian Medical Association
Australian Orthopaedic Association
Application for Associate Membership submitted, acceptance pending review of AOA Board of Directors
Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Bronze Member
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
International Affiliate Member
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Active International Member
Massachusetts Medical Society
Member 2006 to 2010
Maintenance of Professional Standards Program
Full participant since 2011, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
Innovative Concepts in Shoulder Arthroscopy University of Hawaii, JAB School of Medicine – Honolulu, Hawaii [August 16 – 17, 2013]
Royal North Shore Shoulder Symposium Sydney, NSW [October 25 – 26, 2013]
Surgical Decision Making – a complex competency, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Sydney, NSW [November 23, 2012]
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Orthopaedic Association, Sydney, NSW [October 8 – 11, 2012]
2012 Australian Hand Surgery Society Registrar Hand Surgery Review Course, Sydney, NSW [March 9 – 11, 2012]
Arthrocare Shoulder Arthroscopy Academy, Sydney, NSW [March 2, 3 2012]
Extremities Masterclass, Upper Extremity Series, Melbourne, Victoria [August 24, 2011]
Upper Limb Shoulder Interactions Course, Melbourne, Victoria [August 23, 2011]
Fluoroscopic Credentialing Course, Framingham, Massachusetts [September 22, 2009]
Surgical Visit to Dr. Corey Burak, minimally invasive hip surgeon, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, Sleepy Hollow, New York [July 20, 2009]
Tissue Sparing Solutions – Anterior Approach Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Course, Sacramento, California. [June 27, 2009]
Hip Resurfacing Course, Boston, Massachusetts. [April 23 – 24, 2009]
American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, Hip Society Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada [Feb 28, 2009]
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada [Feb 25 – 27, 2009]
Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery Morbidity & Mortality Review [March 14, 2013 - Present]
Nepean Hospital, New South Wales
Unaccredited Orthopaedic Registrar Selection Committee Member [2013 – 2014 ]
Nepean Hospital, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Journal Club Chairman [2013 – 2014 ]
Nepean Hospital, Orthopaedic Department
Examiner, AOA In-training Exam for Surgical Education and Training (SET) Program Accredited Orthopaedic Registrars [March 1, 2014]
Concord Hospital, Concord, NSW
Examiner, AOA In-training Exam for Surgical Education and Training (SET) Program Accredited Orthopaedic Registrars [March 2, 2013]
Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW
Co-Chair of Orthopaedic Quality Assurance Program [2010]
MetroWest Medical Center, Framingham/Natick, Massachusetts
Dept. of Surgery Representative, Infection Control Committee [2010]
MetroWest Medical Center, Framingham/Natick, Massachusetts
“Joint Success”Total Joint Replacement Task Force Member [2006 –2010]
MetroWest Medical Center, Framingham/Natick, Massachusetts
Secretary [2001 – 2002]
King’s Court Condominium Board, Calgary
Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Training Committee Member [2001 – 2002]
Chief Resident Representative, University of Calgary
Orthopaedic SurgeryResident Selection Committee Member [2000, 2001]
Resident Representative, University of Calgary
Orthopaedic Residents’ Golf Yearly Tournament, Chair [2000, 2001]
Calgary Orthopaedic Surgery Resident and Staff Golf Day
Treasurer [1999 – 2000]
King’s Court Condominium Board, Calgary
Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Training Committee Member [1998 – 1999]
Resident Representative, University of Calgary
Junior Fellow and Residence Don [1995 – 1997]
New College, University of Toronto
Academic Assessor, Admissions Committee [1995]
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Sports Editor [1994 – 1995]
Medical School Yearbook, University of Toronto
Secretary [1992 – 1993]
Queen’s Hillel, Kingston, Ontario
Community Liaison Officer [1991 – 1992]
Queen’s Hillel, Kingston, Ontario
Bogoch ER, Olschewski E, Zangger P, Henke M, Smythe HA: Increased tender points before and after total hip arthroplasty are associated with pooreroutcomes, but are not predictive in individual patients. Journal of Arthroplasty. 25(6):945-950,2010 Oct.
Kosashvili Y. Shasha N. Olschewski E. Safir O. White L. Gross A. Backstein D.Digital versus conventional templating techniques in preoperative planning for total hip arthroplasty. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 52(1): 6 – 11, 2009 Feb.
Bogoch ER. Henke M. Mackenzie T. Olschewski E Mahomed NN. Lumbar paravertebral nerve block in the management of pain after total hip and knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Arthroplasty. 17(4): 398 – 401, 2002 Jan.
Olschewski E. Murray P. Buckley R. Fennel C. Powell JN. Assessment of osteoporosis using standard radiographs of the wrist. Journal of Trauma – Injury Infection & Critical Care. 51(5):912 – 6, 2001 Nov.
Zalzal P, Safir O, Backstein D, Elfassy S, Clouatre E, Olschewski E, Gross A: Factors influencing the outcome of fresh osteochondral allograft transplants in the knee. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, 60th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, June 3 – 6, 2005. (Abstract)
Olschewski E, Backstein D, White L, Safir O, Shasha N, Gross A: Digital versus conventional templating techniques in preoperative planning for total hip arthroplasty. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, 60th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, June 3 – 6, 2005. (Abstract)
Olschewski E, Zangger P, Mahomed N, Smythe H, Bogoch ER: Tender points are associated with unexplained pain in patients with technically satisfactory total hip arthroplasty. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, Quebec City, Quebec. J Bone and Joint Surg(Br) 1997: 79-B:Suppl: pp 77.
Bogoch ER, Mahomed NN, Mackenzie T, Straka P, Henke M, Olschewski E: A randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of lumbar paravertebral nerve block in the management of pain following hip and knee arthroplasty. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 67th Annual Meeting Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 15, 2000 – March 19, 2000.
Bogoch ER, Mahomed NN, Mackenzie T, Straka P, Henke M, Olschewski E: A randomized clinical trial of the efficacy of lumbar paravertebral nerve block in the management of pain following hip and knee arthroplasty. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, 54th Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland, July 3, 1999 – July 6, 1999.
Olschewski E, Zangger P, Smythe H, Bogoch ER: Tender points are associated with unexplained pain in patients with technically satisfactory total hip arthroplasty. Canadian Orthopaedic Association, 51st Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, May 25, 1996 – May 28, 1996.
Bogoch Earl R, Henke Marjorie, Mackenzie Terence, Olschewski Eli, Mahomed Nizar N: Lumbar paravertebral nerve block in the management of pain, following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled clinical trial. 28th Annual Alberta Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, Calgary, Alberta, April 27, 2001 and 19th Annual Surgeons’ Day, Calgary, Alberta, June 15, 2001.
Olschewski E, Powell JN: Assessing the reliability of classification systems for intertrochanteric hip fractures. 27th Annual Alberta Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta, May 5, 2000 and 18th Annual Surgeons’ Day, Calgary, Alberta, June 9, 2000.
Olschewski E. Murray P. Buckley R. Fennel C. Powell JN: Assessment of osteoporosis using standard radiographs of the wrist. 26th Annual Alberta Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, Calgary, Alberta, April 23, 1999 and 17th Annual Surgeons’ Day, Calgary, Alberta, May 7, 1999.